The ability to convey information clearly, listen actively, and adapt one’s communication style to suit different situations and audiences.

This page is a collection of resources I consider relevant to effective communication.

Neuro-linguistic programming

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that focuses on analyzing strategies employed by successful individuals and applying these strategies to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy. It was first developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

It’s important to note that NLP has faced criticism and is often labeled as pseudoscience due to a lack of scientific validation.

Despite this, I have an NLP background (holding an NLP Practitioner certification) and believe that it offers valuable tools to enhance communication. This is the reason I explore it on the site.

  • NLP Meta-Model. A neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) tool designed to enhance communication by addressing its deletions, distortions and generalizations.

Mediums of Communication

Communication can occur through several mediums, and its choice can significantly influence the effectiveness of the communication.


This is the most common medium for us as human beings. It refers to using words and speaking to convey information between individuals synchronously. It can be face-to-face, over the telephone, or even over a video call.

It is a natural and effective form of communication, allowing for real-time feedback and exchange of ideas. Its effectiveness depends on many aspects, including listening skills, oratory, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills.

I already wrote about verbal communication in the blog, such as in Enjoy Better Conversations.


This involves any type of interaction that uses the written word. It is a fundamental method in business and personal settings and includes formats like documents, letters, e-mails, text messages, etc.

Written communication provides a permanent record of information, effective for complex instructions or information that needs to be referenced over time.

In many modern businesses, written communication is critical to allowing distributed and asynchronous work to happen effectively. In the Tech industry, we are used to working asynchronously in teams by communicating over instant messaging apps and e-mail, iterating over documents and source code, managing projects through digital documents, etc.


It involves conveying messages without the use of words. It may include body language, gestures, vocal variety, etc.

Non-verbal communication usually accompanies verbal communication and can reinforce or contradict the spoken message. Understanding and effectively using non-verbal cues is crucial for effective communication.

Watch the video I shared in a blog post about Effective Communication to see an example of non-verbal communication effectively used.



  • How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie, is one of my favorite books. A must read for people that want to develop better personal and professional relationships. It is one of the best-selling books of all time, first published almost a century ago, but it is still a relevant reading about influence.
  • Radical Candor by Kim Scott. A reference for managers who want to improve their ability in giving feedback. The book is a collection of ideas on how to give candid feedback, by caring personally and challenging directly.

Blog Posts and Articles

  • The Minto Pyramid: The Minto Pyramid Principle is a communication technique that structures information in a pyramid format, beginning with the most important overarching ideas (the conclusion) and subsequently breaking them down into supporting arguments and details.

Ted Talks
