The ongoing process of self-awareness and self-improvement in which we seek to enhance skills and knowledge, develop our careers, improve our quality of life, and more.

Personal Development Resources

In the ever-evolving journey of personal development, there are countless skills to be mastered and useful tools to be explored. Bellow is a collection of resources I share on this website, handpicked to support and inspire your growth journey.

  • Self-Management: It refers to our ability to manage our behavior and actions to achieve personal and professional goals;
  • Career Development: It encompasses the actions, decisions, and planning involved in managing our professional growth;
  • Mentoring: It is a collaborative process, a knowledge-sharing relationship where an experienced individual, the mentor, provides guidance, support, and wisdom to a less experienced individual, the mentee.



  • How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie, is one of my favorite books. A must read for people that want to develop better personal and professional relationships. It is one of the best-selling books of all time, first published almost a century ago, but it is still a relevant reading about influence.
