This page is a collection of resources about management. I don’t cover everything about such a broad discipline; I would certainly fail to attempt to do so. Instead, I focus on relevant topics from my experience as a software engineering manager.

Consider this my management playbook; my current, best understanding of how to manage people, processes, and software development within tech companies.


I’ve grouped management activities into the following components:

  • SWE Management: The management practices focused on the development and maintenance of software.
  • People Management: The goal of managing people is to achieve results through others. To do this, we must develop people, delegate tasks, communicate effectively, etc.
  • Team Management: In order to manage teams and deliver results, we need to: hire, develop, and grow people; implement processes and measure performance; define strategies and give vision and purpose, etc.
  • Self Management: Before we can manage others, we must first learn to manage ourselves. This includes planning our goals, priorities, schedules, routines, and personal development.
  • Mar 22, 2023 - Production x Production Capability. The P/PC Balance is a concept first introduced by Stephen Covey, and a key principle for achieving effectiveness and long-term success.
  • Aug 22, 2022 - The 5 Trademarks of Agile Organizations. The Five Trademarks of Agile Organizations is a great article shared by McKinsey & Company, that I discovered when studying Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformation at the MIT Professional Program in 2022.


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