The process of convincing someone to believe in or do something through reasoning or the use of emotional appeal. It involves influencing one’s thoughts, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors in a specific direction.

Persuasion and Influence

Persuasion and influence are terms that are often used interchangeably. While doing so generally doesn’t cause any harm, understanding the subtle differences between the two can be important, especially from a leadership or people management perspective.

Persuasion is an active process with clear and specific outcomes in mind. It typically involves a direct attempt to change someone’s mindset or behavior. This often requires the use of specific techniques, arguments, or appeals tailored to the audience’s needs or emotions.

On the other hand, we have influence, which is the backbone of leadership. It’s a broader, long-term concept that focuses on shaping general perceptions, attitudes, or behaviors over time. Unlike persuasion, influence is a more passive process. It might not involve direct communication or explicit arguments. Instead, influence is often achieved through example, leadership, or establishing a certain ambiance or culture.



Blog Posts and Articles


  • Science of Persuasion: The six universal principles of persuasion, named reciprocity, scarcity, authority, consistency, liking, and consensus.