A template of how to document an Individual Development Plan (IDP), as described in this blog post. You can download a spreadsheet of this template here or copy the following structure into a document.

Individual Development Plan

  • Name: Your name here
  • Current Position: Your current position
  • Manager: Your manager’s name
  • Start date: For your accountability

Desired future

Where am I today and where do I want to go? How do I see myself in the future? What role/function would I like to play in the future? Who is my professional reference? How do I see myself in 2 years? What do I want to achieve?

  1. I aim to be an engineering leader who scales his org and its impact through people development and strategic vision;
  2. I want to become a manager known for impactful communication with diverse audiences;

Developmental Objectives

What do I need to develop to reach my desired future? What skills do I understand as necessary to get there? What do I want to be able to do in the future? What knowledge do I want in the future? What development opportunities have I identified in current projects or teams? What was the last feedback that I received from my manager?

Objective 1: Improve my communication skills

Action Plan Timeline Measure of Success Resources
1. Advance in Toastmasters’ pathways EOF H1 At least one monthly speech at the club  
2. Improve my writing strategy EOF Q1 Read On Writing Well A copy of the book
  EOF H1 Apply its principles to my texts  
3. Keep improving in the English language Quarterly Two conversational classes per week  

Objective 2: Summary

Action Plan Timeline Measure of Success Resources

Objective N: Summary

Action Plan Timeline Measure of Success Resources