The Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is a systematic process that guides teams and organizations in delivering high-quality software.

There are several methodologies and models that fall under the SDLC umbrella, each with its distinct tasks and activities. Broadly, these can be classified as traditional models like the Waterfall and its variations, and contemporary agile, adaptive, or iterative models, with Scrum being the most popular among them.

The choice of a particular SDLC model depends on many factors, but the main goal of them is to organize the following phases of software development:

  • Planning: Consists in identifying the need for a new product or feature, defining its scope and constraints, and creating a roadmap.
  • Design: Consists in conceiving the system’s architecture, user interfaces, and user experiences to fulfill the defined requirements.
  • Development: Consists in writing, integrating and revising code to transform the design into a functional software application.
  • Testing: Consists in evaluating the software against specified requirements to identify and fix defects and ensure quality.
  • Deployment: Consists in releasing the software to a target environment, making it accessible to end users.


  • Accelerate by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim. A great book about implementing DevOps to build and scale high performing technology organizations.


  • Azure DevOps. A broad documentation of how Azure sees DevOps.