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Research from DORA (DevOps Research & Assessment) has validated four metrics that measure software delivery performance. According to the study, companies that exhibit exceptional organizational performance excel in these metrics:

  • Deployment Frequency: How often does your team and your organization release code to end users?
  • Lead Time for Changes: How long does it take to go from code committed to code successfully running into production?
  • Time to Restore Service: How long does it take to restore service when an incident or a defect that impacts users occurs?
  • Change Failure Rate: What percentage of releases to production result in degraded service and subsequently require remediation?

You can explore the results in the State of DevOps Reports. To give you a bit of data, the following table summarizes how teams are doing in those four metrics (from the 2021 report).

Metric Elite High Medium Low
Deployment frequency On-demand (multiple deploys per day) Between once per week and once per month Between once per month and once every 6 months Fewer than once per six months
Lead time for changes Less than one hour Between one day and one week Between one month and six months More than six months
Time to restore service Less than one hour Less than one day Between one day and one week More than six months
Change failure rate 0%-15% 16%-30% 16%-30% 16%-30%

Notice that deployment frequency and lead time for changes play for Throughput, while time to restore service and change failure rate account for Stability. The research also reports a fifth metric, Reliability, as of operational performance.