2 minute read

A Reactive Architecture is a software architecture paradigm that focuses on building highly responsive, resilient, and scalable systems. It is designed to handle the challenges of modern distributed systems, such as taking care of a large number of users while ensuring low latency and maintaining high availability.

The Reactive Manifesto was published in 2014 as a guiding document outlining the principles and characteristics of reactive systems, providing a framework for building responsive, resilient, elastic, and message-driven software applications.

Large, distributed systems that require designs addressing these challenges are no longer exclusive to big tech. Many data-driven businesses now face these practical challenges, as modern companies are essentially technology-driven.

Understanding and applying the principles of Reactive Architecture is an essential skill. Let’s review the main principles of this paradigm:

  1. Responsiveness: The system should consistently respond to requests promptly. Responsiveness lies at the heart of usability and utility;
  2. Resilience: The system is designed to be fault-tolerant. It should recover gracefully from failures and continue to function, which involves implementing strategies to isolate failures and establish self-healing mechanisms;
  3. Elasticity: A reactive system should scale up and down based on workload, ensuring efficient resource utilization. This entails dynamically allocating and deallocating resources across multiple instances;
  4. Message-driven: A reactive system relies on asynchronous message passing to establish boundaries between components, enabling loose coupling, isolation, and location transparency.

The following diagram illustrates the relationships between these principles, with message-driven serving as the paradigm’s foundation and responsiveness as the high-level outcome.

Reactive Architecture

Large systems usually comprise smaller ones, commonly adopting a microservices strategy. The principles of Reactive Architecture apply to all scale levels, making them composable.

When I joined VTEX, I faced such challenges for the first time in my career. Our digital commerce platform serves the needs of thousands of users worldwide and experiences increased load during major e-commerce events. The world’s largest systems serve billions of people daily.

If you haven’t yet consciously applied these design principles, it’s worth considering. The Reactive Manifesto is an excellent starting point, as it links to many helpful online resources.