A template of how I take notes during one-on-ones, as described in this blog post.

21 Sep, 2022 - Alice | Eduardo

Each new one-on-one meeting is logged at the top of the shared document, with the date included in the title, to maintain a record of the meetings.


This is where participants input items for the meeting in advance. Additional items discussed during the one-on-one are also appended to the agenda.

  • [Alice] Next performance review cycle
  • [Alice] Initiatives for Q4 planning


It is where participants record notes on discussion points, decisions, and next actions. I prefer to highlight the next actions in bold; however, they could also optionally be placed in another section named “to-do” or “next actions”.

Initiatives for Q4 Planning

  • Hosting efficiency is a main engineering objective;
  • Prioritization themes are declared in this document;
  • Edu will schedule a meeting with the PM to elucidate priorities.

14 Sep, 2022 - Alice | Eduardo


  • Championing the project XYZ
  • Issues for the next team demo


Championing the project XYZ

  • The role of the champion is detailed in our SW development process;
  • Break the project MVP and increments down in Epics;
  • Alice will detail the MVP tasks in Jira before the next backlog refinement meeting.